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Bella Martrice



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Bella Martrice  is an Artist: published poetress, published  journalist and activist.   She is from San Francisco, California. Born & raised in the Historically Black Fillmore district. Her writing is impenitent , her passion enchanting.


Her music is rhythm and poetry literally! She is a word smith, painting pictures with words; Beats are another one of  her canvasses.

 In a recent interview with Oakland native & Rapper Mistah Fab’s  Dope Era Magazine she passionately exclaimed, 

 "My music is rhythm and poetry literally.
 I don't have just one style. I have a kaleidoscope of ways I express myself. I'm hard, hood, raw, and uncut. Then, I'm polar opposite sweet - poetic, sensitive and intelligent.

I think people actually forget RAP IS an acronym meaning Rhythm And Poetry. Rap is POETRY'S OFF SPRING. Most rappers are just rappers. I'm not a rapper!  I'm a poet. I'm not confined by fear of not being accepted. I'm an activist; I'm not confined to the standard of the industry. Music is another canvass for me... my words paint pictures that people can visualize and feel."



Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


-MATTHEW 13:10

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